Overbite and Crowding

Top 10 Risk Factors In Tooth Loss

Overbite and Crowding

For those suffering from such, tooth loss can be embarrassing. After all, the smiles that we deem the best are those with a full set of straight, white teeth.

Even with just one missing tooth toward the back of the mouth, one’s confidence can greatly decline. In turn, one may draw away from social activities, refrain from smiling, and may even avoid dating.

But the good news is, avoiding tooth loss might be somewhat within one’s control.

Ten Risk Factors in Losing Teeth

  1. Current gum problems or periodontal disease
  2. Being male
  3. Being older than the age of 35
  4. Not using a toothbrush or not brushing the teeth properly)
  5. Not getting professional oral care
  6. Past or current smoking
  7. Having high blood pressure, diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis
  8. Genetics

Keep in mind that having any of the latter risk factors will not guarantee that you will struggle with tooth loss in the future. For instance, gender and age are fairly vague in regard to increasing the chances of tooth loss.

The Top Reason for Tooth Loss

Periodontal disease is regarded as the top risk factor for tooth loss across the globe. However, one of the main reasons for periodontal disease is improper care of the teeth. A poor diet can also be a leading cause of future gum problems, and thus, potential tooth loss.

Additionally, men and those over the age of 34 are more likely to need a tooth extraction compared to women and those 35 or younger.

More Causes

The cause of tooth loss may be due to an unfortunate accident, oral disease, over-consumption of alcohol or drugs, and even malnutrition. Other causes may include periodontal disease of any stage.

In truth, periodontal disease can be caused by using tobacco products (smoking). However, this can also be caused by stress, hormonal changes, diabetes, lower immunity, or some medications. Some individuals are genetically prone to gum problems, even with the proper oral care.

Likewise, people who are afflicted with diabetes are at greater risk for oral diseases. This condition can actually cause loss of connective tissue and bone in the mouth, eventually leading to tooth loss. But fortunately for those with diabetes, insulin injections may reduce the risks of the latter.

As a person gets older, the risk of dental caries becomes even more significant. Genetics are also essential causes of tooth loss, especially with regards to one’s genetic influences.

Apart from these ten risk factors, other causes of tooth loss include poorly-fitting dental bridges, defective fillings, poorly-aligned teeth, teeth grinding, steroid or oral contraceptive use, calcium channel blockers, AIDS, and cancer therapy drugs.

While it is true that there are several reasons why one is more likely to lose a tooth during their lifetime, what truly matters is that they tend to current oral health problems before they progress.

The Consequence of Insufficient or Poor Dental Care

Many still admit that they frequently delay or avoid professional dental treatment. Unfortunately, even for those with several dental offices in their city, very few take advantage of professional oral care every six months.

Admittedly, most people visit the dentist only when pain is felt or dental emergencies occur. Little do people know how valuable it is to look after their gums and teeth.

Aside from the latter, many individuals do not follow a proper oral hygiene routine on a daily basis, whether it be due to laziness or a busy schedule. Yet, caring for one’s oral health is not rocket science; it literally takes 4 minutes out of our day if we brush twice daily!


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