A dry mouth isn't ideal, even though it's not as awful as your typical oral conditions. First, there is the sensation, then the damage it can do to your oral health is another issue. A dry mouth typically indicates malfunctioning salivary glands. Additionally, inadequate saliva production typically results in tooth decay, enamel erosion, and gum disease. Additionally, it may result in discomfort, speech or swallowing difficulties, foul breath, and tooth decay.

There are a few things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms of a dry mouth. Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free hard candy can help stimulate saliva production. Avoiding tobacco products and drinking plenty of water throughout the day can also help. If those home remedies don't work, your dentist may suggest artificial saliva products or prescribe medication to help increase saliva production.


What Causes Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a frequent condition in older people and can result from several factors, such as:

  • Side effects of certain medications like prescription and non-prescription drugs for depression, anxiety, pain, allergies, colds, and asthma, among others.
  • Chronic anxiety or stress
  • Side effects of diseases and infections such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, stroke, mumps, anemia, hypertension, and Parkinson's disease.
  • Nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery
  • Dehydration or conditions that lead to it like fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, etcetera
  • Surgical removal of the salivary glands
  • A side effect of a medical treatment which damaged salivary glands. The damage can stem from the radiation to the head and neck or chemotherapy treatments.
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Breathing with your mouth open

Symptoms Of A Dry Mouth

Frequently feeling thirsty, a dry tongue, a dry and sticky mouth, sores in the mouth, torn skin at the corners of the mouth, cracked lips, and a dry throat are possible symptoms.

People suffering from dry mouth can also feel a burning or tingling sensation in the mouth, particularly on the tongue. In addition, bad breath and hoarseness, dry nasal passages, and sore throat indicate that the mouth is dry and saliva production is inadequate.

Xerostomia raises the risk of gingivitis, tooth decay, and oral infections like thrush if left untreated. Additionally, it could make wearing dentures challenging.

How to Treat a Dry Mouth

Fortunately, you can treat it with some easy habits and techniques is possible.

  • Drink plenty of water. The best drink for a healthy mouth is water. Your mouth will stay moist if you stay hydrated. Also, avoid alcoholic, acidic, and caffeinated beverages because these might lead to tongue drying.
  • Chew on sugarless gum. It is possible to stimulate salivation in this way. Along with other things that promote salivation, you can consume an apple, cheese, and other items.
  • Reduce the consumption of dry and salty food, which can worsen the condition. Instead, make moist food your choice, such as creams, gravies, and soups.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking generally harms health, and smokers and non-smokers can develop fatal diseases. Since smoking causes dry mouth, it will be healthier for oral and general health if you stop the unhealthy habit or cut back.
  • Observe proper oral hygiene. Nothing beats brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash when it comes to preventing dry mouth. Additionally, maintaining good dental hygiene reduces the hazards this illness poses.
  • Visit your dentist. Knowing the underlying cause of the condition is essential for treating dry mouth because the ailment can have several causes. For the best course of action for dry mouth, consult your dentist

Simple at-home treatments are available, and they frequently use materials found in most households. They are likely things you already do in the majority of cases. Maintaining good oral health is, after all, the best approach to combat dry mouth. Additionally, you get the best of both worlds because caring for your oral health goes beyond only treating cotton mouth. Additionally, you protect yourself from potential harm that salivary gland issues could cause. But what do these at-home treatments for dry mouth entail? Here are a few tips you may use right away:

5 Ways To Fix A Dry Mouth

#1 Give Yourself A Piece of Gum To Chew

Understanding the causes can help when looking for at-home treatments for the condition. Your salivary glands are typically responsible for this. A dry mouth typically indicates little or no salivation, and the reasons behind it can vary. It sometimes works to keep your mouth open. Sometimes it's a result of particular active substances. The simplest solution entails resuming your salivation.

However, what stimulates the salivary glands? As it turns out, chewing gum. After all, when we eat, we tell our brains that the meal is digested successfully. In addition, our saliva contains enzymes that help break down the food and prevent choking. Therefore, chewing gum performs the task of reviving a dry mouth even if we can't technically swallow it. (You get an extra benefit if you chew gum sweetened with xylitol: Xylitol starves the harmful bacteria that cause cavities, so you're less likely to suffer tooth decay).

#2 Remember To Brush Your Teeth And Gums

Your oral health may occasionally contribute to a lack of salivation. If you take less care of your mouth, the more diseases that could prevent salivation are exposed to it. Taking care of your teeth and gums may sound like common sense, but doing so can help avoid dry mouth. Or at the very least mitigate its consequences.

#3 Forget The Alcohol

Do you recall how we mentioned that some active components could cause issues with your salivary glands? Usually, alcohol is one of them. It tends to dry the body, including your mouth, but you won't notice the effects immediately. So, if you enjoy using mouth rinses, opt for alcohol-free ones.

#4 Drink A Lot Of Water

A dry mouth can occasionally only be a symptom of dehydration. The answer? Drink plenty of water. You will undoubtedly feel the effects as soon as possible or, at the very least, relieve yourself of that cottony feeling.

#5 Breathe Through Your Nose

Another way to quickly dry up those salivary glands is to breathe through your mouth. For those who do, it develops into a habit. So not only is switching to nasal breathing good for your oral health but it is also usually a healthier breathing method.

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