Do you have more than 32 teeth? If so, you may be suffering from hyperdontia, a condition that affects more than 200,000 Americans worldwide. In this blog post, we'll take a look at what causes hyperdontia, how it's diagnosed, and what can be done to treat it.
It is unknown what causes hyperdontia. There are numerous ideas; one suggests that the tooth bud's dichotomy may result in supernumerary teeth, and another postulates that it may be genetic.
Dentists may discover supernumerary teeth on a radiograph or because a central incisor is developing with an impacted tooth. The spontaneous eruption can also lead to its discovery.
What Is Hyperdontia?
Hyperdontia is a condition in which a person has extra teeth or more teeth than usual. It can affect any dental organ and arise in any dental arch location.
It can be divided into four groups according to shape: odontoma, conical, supplemental, and tuberculate.
- The supplemental supernumerary is the duplication of teeth in the regular series and has a standard shape. This type is usually found at the end of a series of teeth.
- Tuberculate is barrel-shaped and has multiple cusps or tubercles. The central incisors' palatal aspect frequently contains tuberculate supernumeraries and is found in pairs. According to CDA, this type rarely emerges and is commonly connected to the delayed eruption of incisors.
- Conical permanent teeth frequently have a peg-like form. This kind of supernumerary may be high and inverted on rare occasions into the palate.
- The fourth type of a supernumerary tooth, called an odontoma, includes any tumor with an odontogenic origin. However, not everyone accepts this classification. The two subcategories of odontoma are complex composite odontoma and compound composite odontoma.
When categorized by location, they fall into three types: paramolar, distomolar, and mesiodens.
- Paramolar is an extra tooth next to a molar at the back of the mouth.
- Distomolar is an extra tooth that grows in line with other molars.
- Mesiodens, the most common type, is an extra tooth at the back or around the incisors.
What Causes Hyperdontia?
According to the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), the cause of supernumerary teeth is still unknown. However, one theory proposes that supernumerary teeth may result from the dichotomy of the tooth bud.
Another theory proposes the hyperactivity theory states that supernumerary teeth form due to the dental lamina's local, independent, and conditioned hyperactivity. In addition, hereditary conditions such as Gardner's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Fabry disease, cleft palate and lip, and cleidocranial dysplasia may also play a role in these teeth.
How is it Diagnosed?
Dentists may discover supernumerary teeth on a radiograph (x-ray) or because a central incisor is developing with an impacted tooth. The spontaneous eruption (when the extra teeth erupt on their own) can also lead to its discovery.
How Common Is Hyperdontia?
Every year, it affects more than 200,000 Americans. Supernumerary teeth were found to have a 0.8 percent prevalence in primary dentitions and a 2.1 percent prevalence in permanent dentitions in a survey of 2,000 schoolchildren.
Hyperdontia is more common in permanent teeth than in baby teeth, affecting more people aged 14 to 60 than those younger than 13. It is classified as chronic when it lasts for an extended period or is lifelong.
How Is Hyperdontia Treated?
Once hyperdontia has been diagnosed, there are several treatment options available. In some cases, no treatment is necessary if the extra teeth are not causing any problems. However, if the extra teeth are impacting other teeth or causing pain, they will need to be removed. This can be done surgically or with orthodontic treatment.
The Supernumerary Tooth May Require Removal Especially When:
- Delayed eruption of the central incisor
- Evident altered eruption or displacement of central incisors
- Associated pathology
- Proximity with an active orthodontic alignment of an incisor
- Compromise the secondary alveolar bone grafting in cleft lip and palate patients
- A tooth is in the designated bone for implant placement
- The supernumerary has erupted spontaneously.
If you have more than 32 teeth, you may be suffering from hyperdontia. Although the exact cause of this condition is unknown, there are several theories about what may contribute to its development. If you think you may have hyperdontia, talk to your dentist. They will be able to diagnose the condition and recommend the best course of treatment.