How does your dental health impact your confidence and self-esteem in social situations? Your teeth and self-confidence are more entertwined than thought.

Despite its shortcomings, one of the best things to come from this age is body acceptance. Well, mostly. Even as we’ve collectively shifted to better, more loving mindsets towards our appearance, physical insecurities don’t disappear at the drop of a hat. Whether it’s your thighs, your skin, or your natural muffin top, there’s always something unrealistic beauty standards will make you feel bad about. But there’s one part of your body that can pose a dent in your confidence and self-esteem, particularly in social situations, it’s your teeth. But what exactly is the relationship between teeth and self-confidence?

Smiling, for the most part, should be pleasant. There’s something about a genuine smile that makes you smile, too. And it also has its health benefits as well. Smiling, no matter how fake, is a quick picker-upper as it releases feel-good chemicals in your body. It’s no wonder living with bad teeth puts a big dent in your confidence and self-esteem. They’re such a crucial part of your smile—something that’s supposed to bring joy—to the point that you’d feel self-conscious about it in social situations. Any imperfections on your teeth can then put a blow to your well-being. 

There’s a lot of factors that make up your overall dental health. How often you brush your teeth is just one part of the equation. There’s also the way your teeth are aligned, or whether you’ve suffered from tooth loss. Fixing up these problems doesn’t just do wonders for your oral hygiene. They also help build up your teeth and self-confidence over time.

But how does this relationship between your teeth and self-confidence work? Let’s find out.  

How Your Teeth Ruin Your Confidence

When you smile, chances are, people will remember your teeth the most. As a matter of fact, how one’s teeth look has become the subject of many fashion trends. Crooked teeth, for instance, are seen as a symbol of cuteness in places like Japan. In some cultures, the practice of dying one’s teeth black and filing them reflect a different standard of beauty. And in other cultures, still, societies engage in a strategic sort of tooth loss to achieve a certain aesthetic or to denote one’s status in life. 

Conventionally, however, we’re all still enamored with the image of straight pearly whites. Look at any ad—print or otherwise—and you’ll find models flashing bright smiles, edited or not. All teeth are unique in their own way, however. And no matter how many times you brush your teeth, you might be hard-pressed to reach that level of whiteness. 

The problem really begins when, on top of these unrealistic standards, your dental health suffers in the process. Whether it’s a bad case of crowding or unavoidable tooth loss, living with bad teeth can give you a sense of helplessness. It might feel as if nothing could be done about it.  

Living with Bad Teeth and What to Do About it

Fortunately, all isn’t lost. If teeth and self-confidence are intertwined, the most natural solution is to give your teeth the dental health it needs. Whether it’s getting the needed orthodontic intervention or regularly going to your 6-month dental appointments, there’s always a way to boost your confidence and self-esteem. So, the next time you head to social situations, you can beam a smile without worry. 

Thinking about whitening toothpaste?

There are many types of toothpaste that promise white teeth and fluoride protection. However, others feel that these tubes of toothpaste don’t deliver as desired.

First, seek the advice of your dentist. Dentists can determine the appropriate method and solution to having your teeth whitened. They’ll evaluate your oral health and see if you have sensitive teeth or receding gums. Based on the severity of your stained teeth, your dentist can determine how long the treatment will take and how well it may work.


5 Ways to Smile Fearlessly

Smiling seems virtually instinctual. You smile when you’re happy, amused, or when you want to laugh. Most of us must have smiled genuinely at least once in our lives. But it can take a lot for someone to smile fearlessly. In a world where 33% of young adults are too afraid to smile, how to smile fearlessly might seem like a bit of a stretch.

This reluctance to smile fearlessly often stems from oral hygiene problems. Among the 33%, a good portion of this demographic is afflicted with untreated tooth decay and other dental problems. Aside from the physical pain that comes with teeth and various oral problems, there’s the shame that comes with unsightly teeth. 

This doesn’t have to be the case. A lack of smiling has been linked to other problems, such as negative public perception and a decreased social life. Everyone deserves the chance to smile fearlessly and smile often, if only for the benefits of smiling.

How, then, can you smile fearlessly when your teeth are ruining your self-confidence? Here are 5 ways:

  1. Get to the root of the problem

    If poor oral health is what keeps you from smiling, getting the dental treatment you need is one big step to a fearless smile. Instead of ruminating on all the ways your teeth look wrong and “ugly,” it might be best to get your teeth professionally checked by a dentist. For that first dental visit, you and your dentist can work hand-in-hand to see what you can do to give you a bright smile you deserve—whether that means getting braces or working on your tooth decay problem.


  2. Get your teeth cleaned

    There’s nothing quite like a good dental cleaning. Aside from the liberating feeling you get from a plaque-free smile, there’s also a sense of increased well-being. A clean smile is a bright smile, after all. And you also get the added benefit of scrubbing off any plaque build-up that could cause any oral hygiene problems. It’s always a little easier to smile fearlessly when you’ve got a clean mouth to prove it. 


  3. Use a bit of whitening gel

    While it’s enough in most cases, sometimes you’d want to go beyond braces and dental cleaning. If your teeth are healthy enough, you might also consider getting your teeth professionally whitened as well. With teeth so clean and pearly white, it would be hard to keep your smile to yourself. Feel free to use a bit of whitening gel if you can.


  4. Eat a safe diet for your teeth

    Good oral hygiene is half the battle when it comes to achieving that fearless smile. You also want to make sure your teeth and body have the fuel for it. Eating a diet of tooth-healthy food is one surefire way to ensure those pearly whites keep their sheen. Because your saliva provides the minerals your tooth enamel needs, eating food rich in those minerals gives your saliva and teeth the boost they need.


  5. Let go of expectations

    Finally, if you want to smile fearlessly, you need to adopt a fearless mindset. Every smile is unique and may require different ways to show their shine. And for the most part, your bright smile might not conform to the picture-perfect teeth you see on TV or the billboards. So, let your expectations go. Sometimes, all it takes is some self-love to give your smile the courage it needs.

Are you reluctant to smile? You’re not alone. There are lots of people who suffer from dental problems that affect their teeth. This reason alone can contribute to why they are unhappy and unable to interact with others. The good news is that there are cosmetic advances that specifically enhance and restore one’s confidence. These procedures vary from mild changes to major repairs, cosmetically fixing flaws like misshaped, discolored, chipped, or missing tooth. These issues can be fixed with cosmetic procedures such as contouring, reshaping, veneers, bonding, and even bleaching.

Bleaching is a well-known and common procedure that primarily whites the teeth. A dentist can perform whitening, or one can whiten their teeth at home. Aside from these, dentists can also use various methods to fix crooked or misshapen teeth.

Tooth contouring or reshaping can change the shape, length, and position of the teeth. These are recommended for patients who have naturally healthy teeth yet prefer mild changes to the way their teeth look. Bonding refers to the use of a tooth-colored material in order to change the color of the teeth or fill in gaps. Meanwhile, veneers are thin shells of plastic and porcelain that a dentist cements over the front teeth.

If you are personally having a hard time boosting your confidence because you feel that something is wrong with your smile, consult a dentist at once to help you solve your dental problems. Remember that your teeth and self-confidence are related more than you might realize.

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