If you frequently bite your tongue, have difficulty pronouncing certain words, have crowded teeth that make it difficult to floss around, or have crooked teeth, braces and Invisalign may be able to help you. The American Academy of Orthodontists advises that all children consult an orthodontist by the age of seven because early intervention can lead to better results. However, a free orthodontic consultation can be helpful even for children who don't have misaligned teeth.

What Is Occlusion?

Here's a fun experiment you can do with the kids: ask them to close their mouths and jaws. Then, while their teeth are still together, ask them to smile. Next, examine how their teeth are aligned. Do their lower and upper jaws match? Do some of their teeth lean to the side or forward? Do their molars match up when they bite? Braces and Invisalign can help you achieve a healthy occlusion by aligning your upper and lower jaw teeth. This position accomplishes two crucial goals in addition to looking good:

  • It enables you to chew food correctly, which makes it simpler for your mouth to get rid of plaque and
  • It makes it possible for you to pronounce words correctly, especially those with dental consonants.

When Does Malocclusion Develop?

Any stage of life can lead to malocclusion. Remember that adult teeth, even those that are permanent, can move. For this reason, patients of all ages make excellent orthodontic treatment candidates. Your teeth can shift again even if you've already worn braces or Invisalign. Patients frequently use retainers because of this. The teeth often shift because of sucking and pressing. You should avoid shoving your tongue out.

braces and invisalign

What Effects Do Crowded Teeth Have?

Before discussing the advantages of having a straight smile, let's first examine the consequences of having crowded teeth. The biting surfaces of your teeth do not properly come together when your jaw is closed; this is called a malocclusion or a "bad bite." Numerous issues may result from this misalignment, including difficulties with chewing. Naturally, chewing encourages salivary gland activation while aiding in the breakdown of food for easier digestion. The remaining sugars are dissolved by the saliva released, and your teeth are remineralized.

When there are crowded teeth, things are more challenging. Furthermore, chewing is more complicated because the chewing surfaces don't precisely touch.

It is incredibly challenging to clean crowded teeth. Because of the unusual angles of the teeth, they also create tiny crevices that are nearly impossible to clean with floss or a toothbrush. Additionally, plaque buildup and food debris lodged in the teeth can cause gum issues and cavities. 


Fixing Misaligned Teeth with Braces and Invisalign

The two most popular ways to straighten teeth are Invisalign and metal braces. Brackets, bands, and wires make up metal braces, commonly known as traditional braces. Your teeth will gradually shift into the desired position because of the slight pressure they receive from them. Traditional braces come in three different varieties:

  • Metal braces. These are the most common type of braces. Kids can choose fun, bright-colored bands.
  • Clear or tooth-colored braces. Braces and brackets used in ceramic braces are tooth-colored, making them less apparent than those used in metal braces.
  • Lingual braces. Since lingual braces are attached to the interior of the teeth, they are also less noticeable than conventional braces.

Invisalign straightens teeth using a series of transparent trays, commonly known as aligners. Your teeth will gradually realign as you place them in the tailored trays. Every two weeks, you'll get new trays.

The Benefits of a Straight Smile

In addition to increasing your risk for periodontal disease and similar conditions, chewing with crooked teeth can stress your body out and result in chronic headaches and neck pain. With crowded teeth, your jaw must work extra hard to break down the food in your mouth, eventually overloading it. Furthermore, discomfort in your jaw often spreads to other areas of your brain since your jaw is related to the trigeminal nerve, which controls the sensations in your entire face. This discomfort causes chronic headaches and neck pain.

A straight smile is the opposite of crowded teeth, which cause periodontal disease, persistent migraines, and neck strain. Are you curious about what Invisalign and braces can do for you? Arrange a free consultation by calling 808-748-4985.

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