Teeth Model

Truths Behind The Top 8 Dental Myths

Myths are an essential part of human civilization and culture. But when it comes to oral health, it is best to bust those myths and direct you to the truth.

Here are some well-known dental myths you should stop believing today:

#1 The longer you brush your teeth, the healthier they will become.

There is a reason why dental professionals suggest brushing for two minutes. It is the most ideal time to clean to the teeth without damaging them.

Although it may logically be right to brush longer than two minutes for a better clean, brushing too long can wear the enamel. Thus, this can make the teeth more susceptible to oral problems.

As well as the latter, brushing too often can provide the same detrimental results.

Additionally, brushing fast and hard is a big no-no. This practice will also wear the enamel instead of cleaning the teeth.

Instead of brushing every time you eat something, drink lots of water to wash down the food particles. Water will also moisten the mouth, allowing for adequate saliva production.

#2 Chocolate is the primary villain in dental caries.

Chocolate will be a villain to teeth if you let it be. Although chocolate contains added sugar, you need not avoid it for the rest of your life. Instead, grab that chocolate bar, drink water, and brush your teeth properly afterward.

Cavities develop through improper oral hygiene. When you fail to brush your teeth, floss, rinse with mouthwash, and visit your dentist at least twice a year, you are creating an ideal home for bacteria to proliferate.

Still, make sure to eat everything in moderation. Although the consequences of eating chocolate can be reversed with proper oral care, its effects on the body can be difficult to take back.

#3 Toothpicks broaden the gaps between teeth.

Toothpicks will not broaden the gaps between your teeth. These tools were designed to fit perfectly between your teeth without moving the teeth. While the teeth can absolutely shift all throughout life, it is impossible to notice a dramatic shift just by using a toothpick for a minute or two. It takes pressure and time for a tooth to noticeably shift.

But because toothpicks can go through limited areas, it is more advisable to floss when you can.

#4 There is no need to visit the dentist unless my teeth hurt.

If you ever find your self thinking this, get your senses together. A visit to the dentist is important at least twice a year.

Although your eyes cannot see an issue or you do not feel any pain or discomfort, visiting the dentist is imperative to ensure your teeth are healthy. Through a dental checkup, you will get acquainted with the true status of your oral health. Moreover, early signs of dental problems can be found and resolved immediately.

Additionally, a dental visit often includes teeth cleaning. Through a professional teeth cleaning, you rid yourself from plaque and tartar buildup.

#5 Fluoride is poisonous.

In the right amount, fluoride is not harmful to your health. In fact, it helps strengthen the teeth and reduces the risk of cavities.

Aside from brushing using fluoride toothpaste, the American Dental Association recommends drinking fluoridated water as well.

But remember that excessive amounts of fluoride may lead to fluorosis. Fluorosis involves hypomineralization of the tooth enamel. In turn, this causes intrinsic tooth discoloration.

#6 You can’t restore tooth enamel once it’s gone.

Although the enamel is the hardest part of the body, it can still wear away. But contrary to the belief that enamel is unrestorable, it is, in fact, restorable. This can be done with a healthy diet, the use of fluoride toothpaste, and the proper oral care.

#7 Tooth decay can’t be reversed.

Tooth decay cannot be reversed in its advanced stages as the tooth has been subjected to too much damage that only a dental procedure can save.

The good news is, in its early stages, tooth decay can be reversed. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, reversing tooth decay in its early stage is possible through proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste. Rinse with fluoride-containing oral rinse. Also, limit your sugar consumption to reverse the effects of tooth decay.

#8 Weight loss significantly affects how dentures fit.

According to the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, there is no reliable proof that weight loss will affect the fit of your dentures. Although weight loss often calls for smaller-sized outfits, this is not true for dentures.

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