As the name implies, a dental bridge fills up the spaces left by missing teeth. Bridges are fully natural-looking and are custom-made to match the size, shape, and color of existing teeth. In addition, a dental bridge is permanent, as opposed to dentures. Therefore, dental bridges are an excellent option for tooth replacement.

What are the Different Types of Bridges?

There are a couple of different types: the traditional cantilever and the resin-bonded or Maryland bonded bridges.

Traditional Bridges

Traditional bridges are the most popular. They are usually made of either ceramics or porcelain fused to metal. This dental bridge involves creating a crown for the tooth or implant on both sides of the missing tooth with a pontic between them.

Cantilever Bridges

Cantilever bridges are put when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth. The dentist doesn't typically recommend this bridge for missing teeth in the back of the mouth because the back of the jaw has a lot of force, which might damage the bridge since there is only one side for support.

Maryland-Bonded Bridges

Also known as resin-bonded bridges, Maryland-bonded bridges are porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. To keep it in place, they use composite resin cement. The Maryland-bonded bridges are the most conservative and least invasive kind of dental bridge.

What are the Advantages Of Dental Bridges?

Aesthetically Pleasing. A dental bridge can restore a person's smile completely naturally, especially with a porcelain dental bridge, which blends in with the color of the patient's teeth naturally and has excellent stain resistance. In addition to bridging the gap caused by a missing tooth, it preserves the face's natural shape.

The jawbone that supports the missing teeth starts deteriorating when you lose a tooth. Bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth because they stimulate bone growth, which keeps the face's form and helps reconstruct it.

Innately Protective. The bridge placement helps preserve the patient's natural dentition, assuming the missing tooth's functionality and strength.

Irremovable And Long-Lasting. Dental bridges don't come off. However, dental bridges are safe from unintentional accidents that could be embarrassing, and regular maintenance can last up to 10 to 15 years.

Cost-Effective. Compared to dental implants, bridges are less expensive, especially if several teeth need replacement.

Time-Saving. A dental bridge procedure often requires only a single visit.

Less Invasive. A dental bridge procedure does not involve surgeries like bone grafting, in contrast to other dental procedures like dental implants, which demand at least one operation. Instead, it recontours merely a part of the enamel to create space for the dental bridge.

What To Expect During My Appointment?

Typically, a dental bridge surgery requires two appointments. The first visit is for preparation, and the second is for finishing touches.

Your dentist should do the essential pre-operation work, such as a dental exam and X-rays, before beginning the dental bridge surgery. By following these steps, you can ensure a bridge is the best option for your missing teeth.

The dentist will shape the abutment or supporting teeth during the initial visit. Next, the dentist will scrape off portions of the enamel to provide enough room for the crowns to enclose the teeth. Next is the creation of the teeth's impressions. Finally, the dental laboratory will create a mold from the impressions as the mold will help in making the bridge.

The second visit involves removing the temporary bridge and installing and adjusting the final dental bridge for an accurate fit.

What's The Difference Between Bridges And Dentures?

The difference appears pretty evident at first glance. One issue is the method used to apply these repairs. A fixed bridge employs one or more fake teeth to "bridge" the space between two teeth and uses the neighboring teeth as an anchor. These teeth are slightly shaved to fit the crowns attached to the artificial tooth. However, dentures—especially partial dentures—perform a similar function. They also serve as replacements for any lost teeth between the anchoring teeth.

If both restorations aim to bridge any missing teeth gaps, then how do they differ? And is a denture similar to a bridge? To answer these questions, let's examine the difference between dentures and bridges.

A Bridge Cannot Be Removed

While both restorations use false teeth, the most significant difference between bridges and dentures is whether you can remove them. Bridges anchor themselves to adjoining teeth. Therefore, once inserted, only a dentist may remove a dental bridge.

Bridges Are Stable

Bridges are stable. The stability provided by the crowns on either side makes it less likely for the artificial tooth to fall out or move when you eat or do other activities. On the other hand, dentures might provide some stability, but because of their design, they might not feel as natural to the bite. Furthermore, compared to fixed bridges, you are more likely to lose them because they are removable.

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