Did you know that too much bacteria in your mouth can increase your chance of getting pancreatic cancer? Add a couple more statistics, and it becomes frightening: 40,000 people die from pancreatic cancer in the United States annually, it’s difficult to detect, and kills many patients within six months of diagnosis.

Therefore, it’s vital that dental patients for informed about pancreatic cancer and know that oral bacteria buildup can cause it. It’s also just as important to understand how to keep their oral bacteria count down.

In general, harmful oral bacteria can cause many other diseases and conditions in the mouth and throughout the body. Knowing this, keeping your oral health at a healthy standing is very important. But unfortunately, most people have dealt with one too many oral-related conditions throughout their lifetime.

How can you ensure your oral bacteria count is down?

Good versus Bad Bacteria

On the other hand, probiotics are beneficial bacteria vital for the digestion of foods. Different strains of bacteria shield the gums and teeth. However, some bacteria contribute to gum problems and tooth decay.

The latest evidence from global research proposes that the most effective strategy for fighting unpleasant breath might not be fighting against harmful bacteria. Instead, the goal might be to introduce healthier bacteria strains in the body. In turn, good bacteria can aid in the fight against the harmful bacteria in our oral tract and beyond.

These days, microbiologists are now switching their concentration to entire communities of microbes found on the teeth, gums, and tongue. In turn, they can investigate why some people possess a different set of microbes than others.

Learning More about the Two Most Typical Bad Bacteria

  • Perhaps, the most common bacteria people usually hear of is Streptococcus mutans. This dwells in the mouth and feeds on starches and sugars which a person consumes. As a by-product of its insatiable appetite, it brings about enamel-eroding acids. As a result, this bacteria is a principal cause of tooth decay.
  • Meanwhile, Porphyromonas gingivalis does not commonly exist in a healthy mouth. However, when it appears, it has firm associations with periodontitis. Periodontitis is a progressive, serious ailment which affects the alveolar bone and tissues that support the teeth. Indeed, this can cause severe dental pain and lead to tooth loss sooner or later.

How to Properly Manage Bacteria

One can manage and control the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth with the help of good oral careFor example, flossing at least once per day and brushing after meals can significantly alleviate the source of food for harmful bacteria. In turn, this can halt these species from further reproducing. Meanwhile, an oral antibacterial rinse can work wonders to thwart oral flora from taking over.

More than that, always remember that diet plays a crucial role in managing bacteria well. Therefore, as much as possible, make it a habit to refrain from consuming starchy, sugary foods. This is particularly important when one cannot brush their teeth shortly after eating.

With the latter tips, bacterial growth can be constrained. Furthermore, consuming foods that promote healthy bacteria will remarkably help one keep their teeth strong and healthy for life.

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