Effective and proper care of the mouth is highly crucial to a person’s general wellness and overall appearance. In addition, an untreated oral disease can lead to gum problems, tooth loss, and many other dental issues.

Dental experts and physicians also believe that there could be a connection between oral diseases and strokes. Likewise, oral diseases may cause low birth weight, heart disease, premature birth, or diabetes.

What is more, dental diseases are usually categorized into three primary groups.

The first one comprises of diseases of the teeth like the formation of cavities and tooth decay.

The latter typically takes place when plaque lingers on the tooth’s surface for a long period of time. As what we commonly know, plaque is a gluey substance containing bacteria that feed on the sugars one consumes.

These bacteria produce acid which the tooth’s surface can absorb. As a result, this eventually leads to the formation of cavities.

The second group of the dental disease involves gum diseases.

The first phase of gum disease is gingivitis.

As with cavities and tooth decay, this condition is caused by bacteria in plaque which infect the gums through producing acid. Moreover, some of the indications of gingivitis consist of puffy and swollen gums. Additionally, persistent foul-smelling breath and bleeding when you floss or brush may also be present.

The good news is that gingivitis is a reversible condition. In fact, it can be possibly treated with professional care as well as proper oral hygiene.

However, without treatment, this condition may develop into a severe condition: periodontal disease. This may impair the support system which backs the teeth in place and may erode the gum line surrounding the teeth.

As time passes, periodontal disease may even lead to tooth loss. Unlike gingivitis, the damage from by periodontal disease is irreversible and permanent.

Further, gum disease and tooth decay can be averted with the aid of regular dental examinations, treatments, and of course, proper oral hygiene. Take note that regular dental care is quite crucial since the first indications of dental disease aren’t often noticeable to the naked eye alone.

The third group of dental disease composes of oral cancers.

Oral cancers can affect any part of the mouth and throat like cheeks, lips, gums, tongue, and larynx. Signs and symptoms may consist of a sore which does not heal even for a long period of time, bleeding, sore throat, or a thickening of the neck. There may also be white or red patches in the mouth or a lump present. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional at once if any of the latter symptoms are encountered for at least a couple of weeks.

Everyone can develop oral cancer. However, the ones at risk are those who abuse themselves with unhealthy habits. The use of smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and alcohol may all contribute.

Apart from this, too much exposure to the sun may also cause lip cancer. To avoid a higher risk of oral cancer, it is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption. To prevent lip cancer, you may consider using a lip balm that comes with Sun Protective Factor (SPF).

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