We sometimes take our oral health for granted and don’t think about it until we have a dental emergency. But, it is important to take care of our mouth.bright


Bad Breath

We all have bad breath from time to time. You might wake up and think, “Whoa! What died in my mouth overnight?” Maybe you ate a burger with extra onion or the garlic sauce on your pasta last night had more garlic than you expected. Those causes for bad breath are easy to identify.

Some aren’t so simple. Persistent bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by a number of conditions. It may simply be that your mouth is dry, possibly from breathing through your mouth, or due to a condition known as chronic dry mouth.

Cavities, bacteria, and gum disease can also be causes of chronic bad breath. Be aware that sometimes more serious conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and gastrointestinal problems can cause bad breath as well.

Canker Sores

These can be very common for some people. If they go away after a few days, then it is something you need not worry about. However, if the canker sores do not heal, or you already feel persistent pain and are experiencing fever, it is essential to visit the dentist right away.

Chronic, foul-smelling breath

This is one of the early signs of the initial stage of gum disease. If left untreated, this can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a serious condition that can result in tooth loss and other detrimental diseases.

Changes of color in the mouth

Observe the inner part of your mouth when brushing your teeth. Check for any lumps, discolorations, or inconsistencies on a daily basis, especially in areas such as the top of the tongue, cheeks, and underneath the tongue.

Dry mouth

This condition can take place for various reasons. At times, it comes as the person gets older. This is a common adverse effect of the medications taken or an indication of disease or bacteria that are present in the mouth.


The gums (or the gingiva) is responsible for protecting the teeth and bones from potential infection. Finding ways to keep your gums healthy is then imperative to maintaining good oral health.

When your gums are in poor condition, they can lead to a slew of problems. For one, patients with gum disease are more prone to heart problems. While more research needs to be done on this, some have inferred that the bacteria and gum inflammation may contribute to artery constriction. For another, unchecked gum disease may deal damage to the jawbone, leading to tooth loss.

This doesn’t have to be the case. With the right care, you can quickly reverse the situation. But what ways can you do to keep your gums healthy? Here are some suggestions.

  1. Floss every day
    When plaque accumulates, it doesn’t end its sojourn on your teeth’s visible surfaces. It also likes to build up in between the teeth, areas where your toothbrush can’t reach. Left unchecked, this buildup can turn into tooth decay damage not visible and gingivitis.Flossing is a great way to ensure this doesn’t happen. When you floss, you loosen and dislodge this buildup before it could wreak any havoc. And a good flossing before you brush your teeth gives it the thorough boost it needs.
  2. Brush at least twice a day
    We’ve talked about the importance of brushing one’s teeth in combating the accumulation of plaque. Brushing after your meals is particularly an effective way to take off any plaque or food debris that may become fuel for bacterial acid attacks. However, if cleaning thrice a day isn’t feasible for you, be sure to brush at least twice. This regularity breaks off plaque before it has a chance to enter your gum line.
  3. Make sure you have fluoride in your toothpaste
    Fluoride doesn’t help the gums directly. But it does play a crucial part in protecting your teeth roots from decay. In adults, gum disease often causes the gingiva to recede, making the roots vulnerable to bacterial attacks. When you brush your teeth with fluoride, you shield these roots from this vulnerability. Most fluoride toothpaste also contains ingredients which aid in gum health, so buying one is usually a safe choice.
  4. Swish a little with mouthwash
    While discussing the effectivity of mouthwash, we talked about how some rinses are used for cosmetic purposes only, while others are manufactured to target specific oral ailments. Called therapeutic mouthwash, a good swish of this can ease any signs of gum disease and lessen the amount of plaque on your mouth.
  5. Get a professional cleaning
    While good oral hygiene keeps your gums healthy, now and then your routine could need an extra boost. Especially if your gums begin showing signs of oral disease. When possible, you can schedule regular cleaning sessions with your dentist to scale off hard-to-remove buildup and keep your gums nice and healthy.

Inflamed gums

If you notice that your gums are inflamed or swollen, it is high time to see a dentist. Inflamed gums are caused by plaque that already hardened and thickened underneath the gumline. This may also be an indication of gingivitis or a more serious condition known as periodontitis.

Tooth Sensitivity

Your tooth sensitivity may be a result of tooth erosion. Tooth erosion is generally caused by plaque or bacteria releasing acid which erode the enamel of your teeth. The teeth become weak and sensitive and may even crack.

Keeping the right oral hygiene routines helps a lot in fighting off sensitivity. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash is vital to oral health. If you are suffering from teeth grinding, you can opt for a mouthguard. Additionally, be sure to watch your diet.

White spots on the teeth

These are early indications of tooth decay. This refers to a tooth infection where the tooth’s enamel starts to erode due to the acid produced by bacteria.

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