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17 Vital Healthy Teeth Tips

It’s clear our oral health has a huge impact on our general well-being. In reality, good oral health is a very valuable component of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are a few of the beneficial tips that can surely help us thrive in the new year:

(Click on each link to read more)

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Stick to a healthy diet, and keep your sugar intake in moderation.
  3. Brush with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride-based toothpaste twice each day.
  4. Don’t forget your biannual dental checkups.
  5. Journal your food intake.
  6. Choose an electric toothbrush.
  7. Rinse with water after consuming sugary or acidic products.
  8. Always brush your tongue.
  9. Pay attention to any oral changes, and inform your dentist.
  10. Choose water or a healthier source of electrolytes than sports beverages.
  11. Avoid or reduce smoking.
  12. Opt for sugarless gum.
  13. Don’t neglect the benefits of floss.
  14. Use fluoride-based mouthwash.
  15. Choose dairy.
  16. Keep away from, or at least, limit soda.
  17. Load up on seeds and nuts.

Drink plenty of water.

Water is great for oral health as it washes away food particles and harmful oral bacteria. As suggested, drinking eight glasses of water a day is important for a healthy body and good oral health.

Because water washes away oral bacteria, this assists in keeping your breath smelling fresher and reducing risks of oral health problems including gum disease.

Stick to a healthy diet, and keep your sugar intake in moderation.

Most do not stick to a completely healthy diet. However, consuming mostly sugars and other harmful foods in excess increase bacteria throughout the body and in the mouth, increasing the risk of cavities and further oral-related issues.

Select foods that belong to the five principal food groups: dairy products, fish or beans, bread and cereals, veggies and fruits, and meat. Refrain from fad diets that advise the elimination of the entire food groups as this may lead to mineral and vitamin deficiencies if you do not seek supplements or food substitutes.

Remember, moderation is key when it comes to your diet. Packing your diet with fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-filled foods is also necessary for good general and oral health.

Brush with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride-based toothpaste twice each day.

Twice-a-day brushing is important for better oral health. Only brushing once or whenever you “feel like it” is setting you up for a habit of bad oral hygiene, which in turn encourages oral health problems.

The fluoride in our toothpaste is important as it helps harden and strengthen enamel that is essential for our protection against oral diseases.

Don’t forget your biannual dental checkups.

Sometimes we develop oral health problems without any warning signs or symptoms in the beginning. Fortunately, dental professionals have what it takes to spot, prevent, treat, reduce, and/or cure an oral health condition that is in its early or developing stages.

For those with severe oral health conditions already present, it may be necessary to visit the dentist more than twice a year. Consult a dental professional regarding this.

Bear in mind that even though you think that your teeth are alright, and you feel that you don’t really need dental treatment, it is still imperative to see your dentist for an exhaustive oral examination.

Journal your food intake.

Sometimes we mindlessly consume foods and beverages without considering what we are feeding our bodies. This is dangerous as we may be consuming too many acidic, sugary, and other harmful products that are damaging our teeth.

Journaling your food intake can bring into perspective the healthy or not-so-healthy diet you conform to, ensuring you’re opting for healthy, nutritious foods vital for good oral health.

Choose an electric toothbrush.

Electric toothbrushes are deemed more effective at eliminating plaque. Brushes that pulsate and come with oscillating heads are most efficient for many individuals.

These are especially useful for individuals with restricted movement such as elderly or disabled people who typically find using manual toothbrushes difficult or uncomfortable.

Rinse with water after consuming sugary or acidic products.

It is wise to rinse with water after snacking on sweets to help wash away sugar particles bound to feed harmful bacteria in your mouth.

The same idea goes with acidic foods and beverages including, but not limited to, alcoholic drinks, citrus, juices, sodas, and the like.

Always brush your tongue.

Your tongue hosts the most bacteria in your mouth. A white-coated tongue suggests potential bacteria buildup.

For optimal oral health, brushing your tongue with a toothbrush, scrubbing with a tooth scrubber (often found on the back of some manual toothbrushes), or using a tongue scraper can help reduce smelly harmful bacteria from your oral tract.

Pay attention to any oral changes, and inform your dentist.

It is helpful to notice and inform your dentist regarding any changes to your present oral health.

Your dentist is a trusted individual with expertise in diagnosing, treating, and/or curing oral health problems that you cannot fix on your own if the condition is serious.

In consulting a dentist, this may help prevent gum disease and other potential conditions from arising.

Choose water or a healthier source of electrolytes than sports beverages.

Sports drinks are loaded with sugar and an acidic pH that may swamp your teeth if you frequently sip on them throughout your fitness session.

Also, there is no point in laboriously shedding 150 calories during an intense workout, if you can also get the same count from a sports drink. Plain water is still the best hydrating drink. Not only will it help swish away plaque-causing bacteria, but it will not add packs of calories into your body.

Other better sources of electrolyte replacement may be available for you as well.

Avoid or reduce smoking.

Quitting smoking will significantly help reduce your likelihood of developing various dental health complications such as mouth cancer, stained teeth, tooth decay, as well as gum disease.

Especially for smokers, it is vital to receive dental cleanings and screenings to ensure your oral health is up to par.

Opt for sugarless gum.

Sugarless gum gives you oral health benefits without the bacteria-feeding sugar present in many gums.

Chewing gum stimulates saliva production which can wash away oral bacteria and other harmful contents in the mouth. Additionally, gum strengthens the jaw and has the capability to “pick up” food particles and other things lingering in the mouth, increasing oral health and reducing bad breath.

Don’t neglect the benefits of flossing.

To get rid of food particles stuck between the teeth, along with plaque, tartar, and other forms of bacteria, flossing is one great dental solution.

By means of flossing, you are more likely to lower the chances of gum disease development. This is because flossing clears away food debris and bacteria from accumulating in between the teeth or even on the gums.

Additionally, having the right type of floss is vital for better oral health. When picking dental floss, make sure that is compatible with your gums and teeth. For instance, if your teeth are positioned very close together, opt for a dental floss that comes with a waxed coating. This shall aid the floss to easily glide through the teeth.

Use fluoride-based mouthwash.

Gargling or rinsing with oral rinse after brushing your teeth can greatly help with removing food debris as well as other bacteria which may be stuck in the teeth, gums, and entire mouth. In so doing, bacteria and debris will be reduced, so you’re less prone to accumulating more plaque. Keep in mind that the less plaque you have, the better.

A mouthwash that contains fluoride aids in strengthening the teeth’s enamel. When the enamel becomes stronger, it makes it difficult for plaque to linger and for acid to damage the teeth and gums.

Choose dairy.

The consumption of cheese and other dairy products might seem to be a bad idea when it comes to losing those love handles, but they are actually considered superfoods for the teeth. In fact, eating a piece of cheese after a meal is recommended by some dentists.

Aside from its calcium content that is essential for tooth growth and repair, cheese has an innate neutralizing property that works against the acids that wear away the enamel. The probiotics or good bacteria present in cheese also ensure less bad bacteria in the mouth and body.

The key to enjoying the weight loss benefits of dairy products is to choose the fat-free or low-fat. Based on research, the calcium contained in reduced-fat dairies can curb accumulated fat, particularly in the midriff area.

Keep away from, or at least limit, soda.

Ditching regular soda beverages for its “diet” alternative might save you more than 100 calories, but the latter can still erode the enamel with its acidic formulation. Additionally, its sugar content is damaging to the teeth as it increases oral bacteria.

If you still crave a fizzy drink, a better option would be sparkling water or at least soda with stevia or reduced sugar content.

Load up on seeds and nuts.

Seeds and nuts are packed with essential nutrients for our pearly whites. Many nutrients found in such strengthen the teeth and help prevent various oral-related problems.

They are also vital for oral health as they aid in the reduction of the pH level of the mouth.

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